
《Taste 品味誌》

Editor’s Note


Taste more of life!




老電影《真善美》裡茱莉安德魯斯唱了一首「My Favorite Things」,歌詞是這樣的:

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things


Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things


Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things


When the dog bites

When the bee stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad


大意是:玫瑰上的雨滴、貓咪的鬍鬚、脆脆的蘋果捲餅、雪橇鈴聲和野雁伴月的夜間飛行是我最愛的事;穿著白色洋裝的女生、銀白色冬天融化成春天……,是我最愛的事。每當不順或悲傷的時候,只要想起那些我最愛的事,就覺得好多了。(這首曲子我個人最喜歡的版本,是爵士樂手John Coltrane1961年的演奏。)


細數自己生活中喜愛的事物,不論大小巨細、可以吃的和不能吃的,都是件讓人感到安慰和愉悅的事,尤其是身邊有人分享的時候。《TASTE 品味誌》想做這件事:提醒您感受生活細節,以更豐裕的態度來分配時間,累積您會帶著微笑列舉的,My Favorite Things




TASTE 品味誌》是全新的雙月刊,於單月1號發行。我很榮幸能和夥伴們一同工作。有機會和這群作者在新的一年呈現這樣一本雜誌,應該是我之前累積了不少好運。請多指教。


宋祖慈    Taste 品味誌》總編輯《Taste 品味誌》


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